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By 2023 over 99 billion people worldwide will be set up with a smart home. This could be anything from a couple of smart light bulbs to a house entirely controlled by AI systems. A decade or two ago, this sort of house was only seen in science fiction shows, and it would never have been thought that it would actually become a reality.

Not just average reality, either. As the world continues to move into the future, more smart technologies will be used in homes and businesses, making it more of a necessity than a luxury. History has repeatedly shown that this is how trends work in the world, which is how we all continue to move forward and embrace the changes. 

The number of smart devices in a home will depend largely upon you and all the other consumers out there because the tastes of one may not be the same as yours. There are some things that will be true in smart homes 10 years from now, so let’s jump in and take a look.

Smart Devices That Make Up The Smart Home

It has come to a point in time when you can go online or travel to the nearest home improvement store and buy products that can be connected to a multitude of smart devices. Many of them you will come across will need an application downloaded on your mobile device to get the most out of them. Plus, the great thing about everything going through an app is that you can control your home completely, even when you are not there. 

  • Light switches
  • Light bulbs
  • Locks
  • Cameras
  • Doorbells
  • Alarms
  • Thermostat
  • Appliances

The possibilities are endless for smart houses within the next 10 years, only limited by what you want in those houses. Of course, this is not a list that includes everything that could be added to the intelligent features of your home, but they are the basic options you will have when building a new home or remodeling an old one. 

Smart Controls From Your Palm


One thing that has always allowed criminals to break into your home is the lack of occupancy. Even then, some thieves will take the chance to get some high-priced items if they think they can make a quick buck. Criminals could stake out your home and break in when you are at work, or on vacation, without you knowing about it until you got home.

The best smart products that can be implemented into the design of your smart home will be anything that can improve the home’s security from the convenience of your mobile device. If a criminal should try to gain entrance to your house and trips off one of the sensors, the alert will immediately go to the mobile device in your pocket. You can then alert the authorities or even shock the criminal by chatting with them, letting them know that you are watching and that your house is not one of the best targets if they want to stay out of jail.

Within the next few years, you will see more homes with good mobile plans upgrading to these devices because they have been shown to deter criminals from the start. If they are crazy enough to go ahead and enter your home, the police can be there within minutes to catch them in the act because you saw them coming on one of the apps you have installed. 

Artificial Intelligence Devices And Controls


Whether you like it or not, AI is here to stay. It is effective at monitoring and controlling numerous aspects of business already. An example would be the online comparison sites you can use to get the best offers on insurance, internet plans, or even mobile contracts. When it comes to AI additions within the home, the one main thing that will be seen in the near future will be a control board in a secure but accessible location that is hooked to all the smart devices throughout the house.

This means that your thermostat can be set according to the optimal settings for the home, as well as brew coffee, set off alarms to get up, trigger outside warnings if any intruders enter within your property lines, and even a timer to turn on the dishwasher or clothes washer and dryer. 

The main motherboard can control every aspect of the house on its own but can be overridden by hand when you want something changed. By hand, of course, it is meant through an application downloaded on your mobile device or laptop. 

What it boils down to is that within the next ten to twenty years, more houses with this capability will be found, not just in places at the top of the sticker price ranges.

Final Thoughts


Wanting to upgrade to a smart home is not something that is out of the ordinary. In fact, it will be something that will be implemented into almost every new home being built. The main problem with this movement towards smart homes is that it requires an excellent internet connection to be able to run most of the items because they connect to each other through Wi-Fi connections. 

Another aspect of smart homes that needs to be considered is the mobile phone plans that will need to be good enough to offer immediate and permanent access to the items hooked up to the phone. The great thing is that as technology for homes and mobile devices continues to improve, the plans and connections are also improving. 

Houses in ten years will be filled with items as small as smart bulbs, all the way up to a motherboard run by Artificial Intelligence. It may still seem like a far-fetched idea that should be made into a good story, but the truth is that the future is here. 

Science fiction has caught up to reality, creating innovative technology that can make your life easier, simpler, and more organized because, let’s face it, we all have those moments when we want to stay in bed without having to get up to adjust the TV or turn the heat up a degree or two.