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In this article, we will tell you about preload resident evil village pc, the release time of resident evil village, its download size, and how to play it on various platforms like PS4 and PC. So, continue reading this article for useful information. Resident Evil is the most highlighted and popular game of today’s time. It was much anticipated in the month of May 2021 before its release because every game lover was anxiously waiting to know how to preload resident evil village pc.

Fortunately, there is also a demo available on the internet from where you can learn how to preload resident evil village pc. The most interesting fact of this game is the appearance of a dramatic and scary character Dimitrescu. Many of the pictures and videos of Dimitrescu are circulating on social media and gaming groups and game lovers are anxiously waiting for the much-anticipated game. There are also some predictions of vampires and other antagonistic characters in the game which will be revealed after its release.

Preload Resident Evil Village PC

How to play resident evil:

As the release date of the resident evil village is near so many game lovers are searching for how to play resident evil. As resident evil is only available for consoles so you can preload it using gaming consoles like play station and Xbox. PC users are currently not available for playing resident evil village and only gaming consoles like Xbox and play station can be used to enjoy this game.

Unfortunately, there has been no news for the pc users to play resident evil but if we get any news we will update you immediately. The date of 7th May has been set for its release and people from different countries can start playing it according to their local times. For instance, the people of North America can start playing resident evil village on Thursday. The game is also a heavy one and it takes space of almost 30 Gb.

It is also said that it is heavy like Call of Duty Warzone. Currently, there are no reviews available for this game as it has not been released yet. Further details will be shared accordingly.

How to preload resident evil village pc:

As preloading is a very anticipated act in resident evil village so many game lovers are willing to know how to preload resident evil village pc even before its release. For preloading, you must have to buy the game according to your specific platforms like play station and Xbox. After that, you will be eligible to download the game from the store.

Now you will be able to preload the resident evil village pc. The release date of resident evil village pc has been set to 7th May and then you can enjoy any edition of the game. You are eligible to preload the resident evil village only if you are play station or x Xbox user. If you are a PC user currently there is no date mentioned for your preload.

Can we preload resident evil village pc before its release:

Some fans of resident evil are curious to know can we preload resident evil village pc before its release. The game is to be released on 7th May and you can preload resident evil village before its release only if you have pre-ordered the game.

Resident evil village release time:

The release time of Resident Evil village has been said to be 7th my. There are various editions of Resident Evil village and you can enjoy anyone according to your likeness. Currently, only those users will be eligible to play the game who are having Xbox or PlayStation and PC users will not be eligible to play this game. If you get any news about the release time of Resident Evil village for PC we will update you immediately.

Download size of the resident evil village:

One main thing that should be considered while purchasing Resident Evil village is its download size.  Download size is very important to consider because many systems are not made for heavy games. Resident Evil will its download size is almost 30 GB and it is said that it is almost the same as heavy as Call of Duty Warzone.

So your system must be efficient enough to handle this 30 GB game. It needs a space of 29 GB for PS4 and 27 GB for Xbox and 27 GB for PS5.

How to preload resident evil village on PS4:

From the PlayStation, you have to open the library on the home screen. Then you have to select the Purchase button. There you will find Resident Evil village and you have to select it. After selecting it you will get to know if the game is available for preload or not. There will be a download button.

You just have to push the download button to start downloading the game. The only thing you have to consider is not interrupting the process and keeping the gaming console in standby mode. The news for PC users is that you have to wait for the final and official release of the game for PC users.

How to preload resident evil village pc:

PC users are anxiously waiting for the release date of Resident Evil village for them. Currently, Resident Evil village is only released for Xbox and PlayStation users and PC users are not eligible to preload or play this game but if we get any news we will update you immediately.

The good news for PC users is that preload Resident Evil village PC demo is available on the Internet and you can expect that the PC version of Resident Evil village will be released soon.