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The best places to live in New Hampshire are safe and peaceful. New Hampshire is a state in the United States. The area in which the state lies is known as New England. New Hampshire is also known as Granite State. People call it Granite State because there lie widespread granite formations and mines. New Hampshire has another nickname, “Mother of River.” The name refers to the fact that the rivers of New England start from the white mountains of New Hampshire.

Another nickname of the state is “The White Mountain State.” The term “White Mountain State” is used for the mountain ranges in the state covered with snow. New Hampshire is also known as “Switzerland of America.” The name refers to the similarity between New Hampshire and Switzerland. The similarity is the White Mountains which are common in both. The state has historical importance. Many things started from this state for the first time.

Best places to live in New Hampshire

Geographical Boundaries

In the north of New Hampshire is Quebec. Canada exists in the northwest of the state. Vermont is along the west border of New Hampshire. On the south wall, there lies Massachusetts. In the east of New Hampshire, there are Maine and the Atlantic Ocean. The state has many natural resources. The lakes, mountains, valleys, and coastal areas of the form add a lot to the state’s natural beauty.


New Hampshire is a well-developed state. The services provided here are of high quality. Same like other services, education is also at its best level. The state lies at number four in the United States regarding the quality of education. The state is providing free education at the school level. The public school system is effective and has local boards for supervision. The University charges a tuition fee. Teaching at the university level is expensive.


Agriculture, Manufacturing, and mining sectors are the main pillars of the economy in New Hampshire. Cattle farming, apples, corn, dairy products, and nursery products are the major agricultural products that generate maximum revenue. The insurance sector is considered the largest industry to strengthen the economy. The state has great employment opportunities.

Best Places to Live in New Hampshire

Is it not difficult to decide the best places to live in New Hampshire? If you live in a home, you need the comforts of life there. You are concerned about the peace. You will need the basic facilities. If you are living with your family, they have to take care of their needs. New Hampshire is a well-established state. There are many places you would like to stay due to their ideal environment and standardized services.


Portsmouth is a very beautiful city in New Hampshire. The town is on the Piscataqua River. It is a port city. There are many lovely places to visit. The city is very expensive to live in, but it provides easy access to the mountains and other cities. The school system in New Hampshire is admirable.

The city is a very safe place to live compared to other cities of the state. The city is an extremely attractive place for visitors or tourists. People like to spend their vacations in Portsmouth. Especially Prescott Park is a special place to spend leisure time in New Hampshire.

Portsmouth New Hampshire


Franklin is one of the best places to live in New Hampshire. It is the safest place to live in New Hampshire. The city has beautiful sceneries in Merrimack County. It is the best place for nature lovers and tourists. Webster Lake, Franklin Falls Dam, Turabian Gardens, and forests have made the city attractive. These all are the major places of Franklin where you must go.

franklin New Hampshire


New Hampshire is overall a great place to visit for tourists. The city is on the Merrimack River. One of the best places to live in New Hampshire is in the city of Manchester. The streets of the city are safe to walk there. It is an affordable and desirable place to live, especially for families. The city has excellent opportunities to educate your child. The city has well-reputed Universities too.

Health care services in New Hampshire are also reliable and standardized. The cost of living in Manchester is affordable for students as well. In New Hampshire, it is the best idle place for accommodation.

Best places to live in New Hampshire


The city is in the northern area of New Hampshire. The city was established in 1897. It is also one of the safest places in New Hampshire. The city along the river gives a beautiful view and fascinates the residents and visitors. The city can provide quality education, sports opportunities, and affordable higher education.


Concord is the capital city of the state. It is an attractive city for its beautiful and enchanting places. The city was famous for carriage making. Now you can observe the Concord Coaches in the museum of New Hampshire. Concord has a lot of parks, restaurants, and coffee shops. The public schools in Concord are mush satisfactory for their quality education. Clough State Park, Canterbury Shaker Village, and Discovery Center are amazing places. It would help if you visited these places whenever you came to Concord.

Best places to live in New Hampshire


Hanover is one of the best places to live in New Hampshire. It is a town in New Hampshire. The city is located along the Connecticut River. It is situated in Grafton County. The city is a very safe and affordable place for families. The public schools are performing best to educate the children. Hanover is also known as the “best college towns.”  Dartmouth College is a famous institute and was established in 1769. The location of the town makes it look rural. It is also known as the Upper Valley.     


Bedford is a town in New Hampshire. It is located in Hillsborough County. The city is a safe place to live. Public schools are highly admirable and appreciable for the quality of education. Colleges and Universities of excellent repute are very short from Bedford.

Best places to live in New Hampshire