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A well-thought-out interior of the home office isn’t a luxury, but a necessity. Problems that many people encounter when trying to work within the walls of their homes: dim lighting, uncomfortable desks and chairs, poor ventilation, and low-quality repairs. Let’s find out how to create a perfect home office.

Do You Really Need a Home Office

The need for a home office arrangement appeared with the beginning of the pandemic. If previously everyone went to work and rested at home, now the apartment performs all functions. During the day, the kitchen turns into a study, and in the evening it serves as a meeting place for the whole family. But it’s not convenient to work in the kitchen, especially if there are children or other family members at home. There is a solution: arranging a personal workspace where you can work during the day and play at 22Bet Greece in the evening.

Office on the Balcony

An ideal option if you are pondering how to make an office at home to be comfortable in it. The balcony, unlike the bedroom or living room, is a completely isolated space. No one will disturb you here, and you won’t be distracted by extraneous sounds and household chores. Having a balcony allows you to create a comfortable and full-fledged workplace.

To make your balcony cozy and comfortable, you need to create special conditions. Firstly, to insulate the walls, secondly, to put blinds or shutters so that daylight does not blind the eyes, and thirdly, to think about high-quality lighting. Insulating the walls is essential. In winter it can be cold on the balcony, and for a full working day such conditions are not suitable at all. Also, you need to put blinds roller blinds, or better yet, motorized shades on the windows. They are many times better than curtains, which in summer will not save you from the scorching sunlight.

How to make a cozy office out of a balcony? Follow some simple tips:

  1. Paint the walls in a calm shade (beige, coffee, can be white). Avoid bright colors (yellow, orange, lettuce). They can be irritating and distract from the work process. Painting the office in bright colors is recommended exclusively for creative individuals.
  2. Plan lighting carefully (ceiling spotlights, central pendant lighting, local lighting such as a desk lamp).
  3. Buy professional furniture (desk, office chair with backrest, shelving for files, books, papers).
  4. Organize your workspace:
  • Hang motivational pictures (with inspirational quotes that dispose you to success).
  • A planner with a week or a month’s worth of notes.
  • reminders on small pieces of paper to keep you on your toes, etc.
  1. Consider soundproofing. The noise of household chores should not distract from your work. Your balcony is an office, only at home. The household should understand this and not disturb you at work.
  2. Set yourself up right! In the home environment, it’s hard to set yourself up for a full workday, especially when you know you don’t have to get up in the morning and go to work. Well, allow yourself to sleep an hour longer. Then it’s invigorating coffee, plans and goals for the day, and efficient work.

There are many ways to make your workroom a comfortable place to be. You won’t need expensive furniture or renovations to implement the plan.

Office in the Bedroom

A popular option that is often found in modern apartments. It will be perfect if the square footage of the room allows, and the office can be separated by a mobile partition. If not, zoning is a successful alternative. It’s applied by means of shelving, combination of flooring materials, coloring the walls, and other options.

Here are some tips for creating a study in the bedroom:

  • Choose furniture that is 2-3 tones darker/lighter than the one in the room. There is no need to create too bright a contrast. If the two functional areas are located in one, there should be a unified concept of interior design.
  • If there is an alcove in the bedroom, part of the office can be arranged in it. In this case, it’s important to have high-quality lighting.
  • Install climate control equipment. The presence of air conditioning is an important condition for creating a favorable environment. In summer, not only light but also heat comes in through the window, which creates uncomfortable conditions. Creating a favorable microclimate can improve work efficiency.

If you are looking for a way to make a home office so that it fits perfectly in the bedroom environment, then choose not office furniture, but more refined furniture. The desk can be austere, but instead of an office chair, it’s better to choose a beautiful velour chair or a soft velvet chair. Designers offer a huge variety of products that combine practicality, beauty, and comfort.

Office in the Living Room 

It’s not really a good option. If you don’t live alone, you often have friends over: there is no privacy, especially if you have to work in the evening. But, not having a better option, home offices are also often arranged in the living room. The main thing is that the space allows.

The office is often planned in the studios. The perfect place for the work area is by the window, away from the kitchen. To create a cozy corner for yourself, use shelving as space zoning and an abundance of plants. First, they purify the air and fill it with oxygen, and second, they have a beneficial effect on mental capacity.