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How To Start A Streak Tips for Beginners – Snapchat has become a very popular platform for sharing videos and photos. Its messaging feature is also very unique. A streak on Snapchat is a way of sending live and recorded photos and videos to your friends. You need to make friends by inviting them or by sending them streaks. Snaps should be sent every day to maintain the streak. So, here in this article, you will get to know about the various ways how to start a streak on Snapchat. Here is a complete step-by-step guide on the procedure of sending the streak to your friends.

Following are the four steps to be followed:

  • Ask the friends to start a streak
  • Send a video or photo snap to your friend
  • Wait for the snapback from your friend
  • Keep sending on streaks

how to start a snap streak

1. Ask your friend to start a streak:

The first step while sending a streak is to ask your friend for starting a streak. For this, you can send a photo or video snap to your friend. This step can happen naturally as you can send the first snap by yourself to your friend asking for a streak to send. It is done naturally. It is also done as a story posted on your account. You can also ask your friends to start a streak. There are various ways for asking your friends for the streak starting.

You can either send a message to your friend asking him or her to start the streak. If you are already friends then it will be easy for both of you to start it. The second step is to add a story. The story must contain text streaks. This will show your intention of starting the streak to your friends who view your story. If they respond directly to your story, then you both may start sharing streaks. So this first step must be followed to start the streak on Snapchat.

2. Send a video or photos snap to your friend:

The second step in learning how to send a streak is sending a photo or video snap to your friend. When you found that someone is willing a streak with you, then the next step is to send a photo or video as the streak to your friend. The procedure of sending the snap streak to your friend is as follows:

First, you have to tap on the camera icon and take any photo or make a video. Then tap on the “send to” button. After typing on the sent to button, select the person whom you want to send the snap. You can also select multiple users or a single user for sending snap on Snapchat. The text message sent as a reply to your streak is not considered a snap. Rather a snap is considered as a reply to the snap and in this way, your score will be maintained and started.

3. Wait for your friend to send back a snap:

The third step in sending streak is to wait for your friend to snapback. Your friend must share the snapback with you. It will increase the streak rate. Snapscore can only be made if both individuals send the photos and videos for consecutive days.

If one person sends a snap and another does not respond to it, then the streak will not be started. The streak will be restarted if one person forgets to send the streak on the second day. So it is said that it must be remembered that both the individuals have to snap each other for two consecutive daystopp scores. So to learn the process of how to send a snap, this is the third and essential step to begin the streak.

4. Repeat the process of sending snap streaks daily:

Both of the users must send the streaks daily to maintain the snap streaks. If you canno each other for more than three consecutive days, then a fire emoji will appear under the name of a specific person. There will be a number shown with each user. It means the number of streak scores that you both have sent to each other. It is necessary for maintaining the streak for a very long time to send the snaps to each other daily. If a number disappears it means your streak has been broken. It might be because one of you have missed it and did not send the streak. So it is necessary to step in taking the snap streak score for a long time with your special friends.

So Snapchat helps you in connecting with people, especially your close ones. It requires a huge amount of commitment from both ends to make the snap streak score very long. Many people have hundreds or thousands of Snap scores. This helps in getting the live updates of your favorite ones and staying connected to your friends. The complete procedure of how to start a streak and maintain the streak for a very long time is described in this article. You can start your streak right now from your phone.

  • Just install the Snapchat application on your mobile phone and follow the complete procedure as described in the above article. It is also very interesting and you will also get updates on your surroundings. It will also help in maintaining a friendly environment with other people.

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