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Eco-friendliness, naturalness and closeness to nature have been trends in interior design. In such circumstances, it isn’t surprising that flowers and plants have become an integral part of many design developments. Greens in the interior add accents to the room, bring calm and tranquility, and are simply pleasing to the eye, allowing some need for care to be satisfied. Finally, the cherry on the cake is the freshness and aroma that interior greenery fills urban apartments with.

Moreover, greenery and wood in the interior have become key elements of eco-style, boho, ethnic designs and many others.

These tips will save you from many mistakes related to interior design with greenery, as well as give some important tips on this topic.

What Affects the Choice of Artificial or Natural Greenery in the Interior

First, you must decide for yourself – are you ready to spend time on care and maintenance of the appearance of your home plants. Rotten or dried out greenery in the interior will definitely not decorate your interior, and will only spoil both it and your mood. Any, even the most unpretentious plant, requires at least a little attention.

If you are looking for a decorative element, then it makes sense to choose an artificial analogue. It’s difficult to overestimate the benefits of such a plant:

  • It doesn’t require care for itself. Wasting neither your time, nor your nerves, nor your money. So you can spend it on something fun, like playing with a Bet22 login or going out with friends. Furthermore, it will never wilt.
  • Hypoallergenic. Such a plant won’t become a breeding ground for bugs and other critters.
  • Safety. If there are children or animals in the apartment, we exclude the risk of overturning the pot and falling earth and the plant. As well as accidental eating of leaves, which can also be poisonous, like a monster.
  • Versatility. Such a plant can be put anywhere and make part of any composition. It doesn’t require any moisture, light or fertilizer.

However, it’s worth understanding that artificial greenery in the interior won’t give the same living joy. The disadvantages of such greenery also exist:

  • Decorativeness. The invigorating effect of closeness to nature from artificial plants cannot be expected.
  • Dust collector. Many such plants need to be constantly wiped down, otherwise they will lose their appearance and become covered with a layer of dirt and dust.
  • Burnout. If you keep such a plant in the sun for a long time, it will lose its color and brightness.

In case this alternative isn’t for you and you want to remain a true adept of eco-style, then let’s move smoothly to all the nuances of selecting living plants for the interior.

Little Tips for Choosing Greenery for the Interior

The more time you spend on your green corner in the apartment, the more beautiful and exotic it will be. Your willingness to devote yourself to houseplants will expand your room design options almost to infinity. The choice of plants will be limited only by the interior of the apartment and its size. Everything else – only your preferences and tastes. You can choose hyacinth or hibiscus. Or you can decorate a room with abutilon, pseudolithos, and other plants with strange names you’ve never heard of.

But if the rhythm of life doesn’t allow you to spend much time on greenery, there are always time-tested unpretentious plants that can be watered “once in forever” and everything will be fine with them. Succulents in this case have always been at the top of the lazy florist’s brochure. Special fabrics to retain moisture allow them to survive the hottest days.

There is also a kind of in-between option – freshly cut greenery in the interior. This gives the apartment an atmosphere of celebration, which spreads through it along with the fragrance of flowers. If you make a habit of buying such bouquets at least once a week, you can keep yourself and your interior in tone. Buy several kinds of vases and baskets for different flowers, and then assemble a composition from this to suit your mood.

Matching Greenery to the Interior of the Bedroom and Living Room

Displaying greenery in the interior of the living room or bedroom is a whole science, in which you need to consider a lot of variables.

First, you need to assess the scale of the apartment and its style. You shouldn’t make a small room into an impenetrable jungle, forcing everything with large floor plants. Greens in the living room serve primarily to cover the corners and empty spaces. Or, on the contrary, to draw attention to a certain element of the interior.

Monster-like greenery will fit in a medium-sized room where there is free space. They are well placed on the floor near furniture or in corners, arranging small green areas. With the right location and the right choice of pot, such plants will suit both boho-style and modern.

In minimalist and compact rooms, you can do with small table plants. The same cactus or aloe will be a good decoration for the interior in the Scandinavian style, embodying the saying “cheap and dirt cheap”. And if you want something more interesting, you can pay attention to the crassula. This is also a succulent that has distinctive oval leaves. Such plants can be placed not only on the windowsill but also on the desktop, bookshelf, nightstand, etc.  

An important element is also the selection of a pot or cachet, so that the greenery corresponds to the overall entourage of the room. You can also fill the ground with Akadama soil. This is a burnt Japanese clay that is used for bonsai. However, it’s good for decorating ordinary plants as well, making their base a nice light shade.

Florariums are an interesting alternative to ordinary flowers in pots. These are glass spaces in which various installations with special plants and soil are created. They can be different sizes and shapes, such as a polyhedron or a drop. Depending on the price, they can be equipped with heating and humidity control. At the moment in many cities, there are workshops to create a florarium with their hands.

Edible and Decorative Greenery in the Kitchen Interior

It’s worth bearing in mind that many plants are poorly tolerated all those temperature changes that often occur in the kitchen. Therefore, greenery in the interior of the kitchen should be chosen with great care.

A good idea would be to plant climbing plants, matching them with beautiful hanging casseroles. They won’t take up much space and will be a successful element of decor.

Many also combine the pleasant with the useful, growing in the kitchen edible plants. Chili peppers, microgreens, basil – all can take root in your kitchen with proper care. You can also reward yourself and guests with the fruits of your labor.

What Greenery Is Worth Decorating the Bathroom

In the bathroom, plants are used to create a special relaxing atmosphere. The main problem here is high humidity and lack of direct sunlight, because not everyone has windows in the bathroom. Therefore, when choosing greenery for the bathroom, it is worth choosing tropical plants.

Greens in the bathroom should be periodically let out “walk around”, so they get drunk on fresh air and sunlight. And you also need to wipe them with a damp sponge.

As for the interior, the greenery looks best against a light-colored wall. The same dracaena will be a good decoration for classic bathrooms, but the cosmania will also take root well in dark interiors, where black matte surfaces prevail.