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The most spectacular DIY Christmas tree idea

Christmas is the day to celebrate the arrival of Jesus upon this earth.

All Jesus followers love to celebrate their joy with immense grandeur. It has been a ritual to use fir trees to represent our devotion and love for Jesus. That is why we always keep a Christmas tree on this auspicious eve. However, DIY Christmas tree ideas are the most appreciated once for Christmas Eve.

Here we bring some of the astonishing DIY Christmas tree decorations ideas, you would love to try and share them with your friends.

Also, all these DIY ideas are super light on your budget and environment friendly according to the house holding tips.

Crumbled paper idea-with a DIY Christmas Tree skirt idea

Oh God Christmas is ahead and still, your Christmas tree is not ready?  You have to rush and have spared no time design and décor? If you are facing the same problems then here is a solution for you.

For this DIY Christmas tree idea,  you do not have to be a creative master. This design would be ready in just 15-30 minutes.

For this, get all your extra papers present in your house. They can be newspapers, notebooks, or extra documentation. Crumble them yourself or ask your kids to do that. It would keep your kids busy ( a plus point of this Christmas decorations idea). Pour crumbled pieces of paper into liquid glue. When these papers are wet and easy to mold, give them the shape of a tree. After an hour of drying, spray over them in green color. And here is your Christmas tree ready to shine and glitter. You may add some cookies and lollies as well. Do not forget to put this upon an inverted wicker basket which would act as an outcome of the DIY Christmas tree skirt idea

Bricks DIY Christmas tree

Are you in love with DIY Christmas tree ideas? and do you want them in your house forever? then this idea is just for you. Although for this design you may need a perfect space i.e. threshold or a garden. Once this idea is generated, you may not need to spend a lot of money on DIY Christmas tree decorations ideas for many years. You may have used bricks and pebbles for garden fountains, fire pits, etc. However this time you will be using this stuff to create your almost permanent Christmas tree. According to your, choice glue bricks or pebbles in a circular motion making them a 3D triangle. Paint them with darkest and medium shades of green. Use fairy lights to enlighten the final draft. From the best Christmas tree toppers ideas DIY, we would use ribbons to create a small galaxy of stars above our tree.

Lace-leafy tree

One of the unique DIY Christmas tree ideas is the less leafy Christmas tree. Although you have to be very focused and consume your time. The fruit of this DIY project would be worth all your efforts. So, put your gloves on to do this DIY Christmas tree. it would be much better to use a big paper cone As a template.

Use white velvet with some net as your tree skirt. It would be the best DIY Christmas tree skirt idea this year. Cover this cone with green lace. Try to stuff this DIY tree as much as you like. once you are done with delays use real lives to fill these spaces and to give it a genuine tree look. you may add color balls for further decoration. Use a wire molded star and snow spray which present the beautiful essence of the winter night.  It is one of the best  Christmas tree toppers ideas DIY.

3D wall painting

Have you ever heard of 3D wall painting you may have Painted your wall with small on large Christmas tree designs? This time, add a 3D effect to your DIY Christmas tree ideas. It would give you an illusion that a Christmas tree has been planted on your wall to achieve the perfect look we will use cotton balls to recreate our dear white Christmas tree it would be appropriate to use either a stencil or a pencil sketch so that we can lead towards perfection. We can use semi-circular wires completely stuffed with cotton balls and attached them with our tree template. For this design, we have to take care of one thing that each and everything should be spread in the green color. Not a single space, should be seen which is colorless. We will be using chocolates in small gift boxes for further details.

A Christmas wall hanging

Are you tired of the conventional way of making Christmas trees at your house? Bored to keep Christmas trees standing or your floor all the time? This time, we can use our Christmas tree as the perfect wall hanging on the 25th December Eve. Start with three to five plastic rings. The number of rings depends upon how bigger your hanging tree should be!. Later on, with the help of a thread, we will be attaching all these rings into a cone shape. This time we will use emerald pearls in a freefall motion. This will illuminate our astonishing tree. Similarly, we can use a LED bulb of green color for the charisma of this DIY Christmas tree idea.

Apart from that, decorate this tree with small wax candles. Also, place a non-melting candle as the tree topper. It represents Christianity -The beacon of enlightenment to this world.

Hence, Christmas is a very auspicious event. To all of us, to celebrate the birthday of Jesus is very important. However, using natural Christmas trees is not possible these days we have to take care of environmental issues. Even if we go for small plants, it also needs a lot of effort for gardening and maintenance. Even all these efforts go in vain when our Christmas tree is not able to create enough charm for the people. So, do follow something trendy in terms of the most spectacular DIY Christmas tree ideas.