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Are you looking for Devilman Crybaby Season 2 Casting List, Release Date, Trailer, and Storyline? You are in the right place. Let’s discuss Devilman Crybaby; Devilman crybaby is a Japanese fiction launched through Netflix.  This masterpiece is adapted from Manga named Devilman. This Japanese fiction is written by Ichiro Okouchi and directed by Masaaki Yuasa. Aniplex and Dynamic Planning Studios produce it.

Its popularity is obvious because it is among the most-watched seasons on Netflix. Its introduction in 2017 was related to the fiftieth anniversary of Go Nagai. However, it was premiered on Netflix on January 5, 2018.  Devilman Crybaby has the record of being the second Netflix anime after Castelvania, released in 2017. After the amazing success of Devilman crybaby season 1, now fans are anxiously waiting for Devilman crybaby season 2. But the release of the second season has not been planned yet. Although rumors are circulating on social media related to its release, no final date has been announced yet.

Devilman Crybaby Season 2 - Casting List, Release Date, Trailer, Story

Casting list of Devilman Crybaby:

  • Miki “Miko” Kuroda
  • Akira Fudo
  • Xenon
  • Hie
  • Miki Makimura
  • Mayuta “Kukun”
  • Silene
  • Ryou Asuka
  • Kaim
  • Jinmen
  • Akiko Makimura
  • Psycho Jenny
  • Moyuru Koda
  • Koji Nagasaki
  • Noel Makimura
  • Wamu
  • Babo
  • Taro Makimura

Major Characters of Devilman Crybaby:

Ryou Asuka: In this masterpiece, Ryou is his best friend of Akira. He later got separated from Akira due to school switching. They both are reunited again when Ryou asks for help from Akira when the devil reappears. They both decide to switch bodies to counter the attack of the devil.

Devilman: Akira is the devilman in this Netflix anime. Before becoming devilman, he was a weak and timid boy. He had never stood for any wrongdoing before he became devilman. But, once he became devilman, he fought ruthlessly and bravely.

Akira: Akira is a noble character in Devilman Crybaby. He was a timid boy and never stood for himself. Many times Ryou approached him to help him in difficult situations. Ryou suggested he become a devilman to save the world from the devil’s attack.

Voice Artists behind Major Characters:

  • Akira Fudo – Griffin Burns
  • Ryou Asuka – Kyle McCarley
  • Miki Makimura – Cristina Vee

What is the Release date of Devilman Crybaby Season 2?

The first season of Devilman Crybaby was released on January 5, 2018, but its second season is yet to come. No authentic announcement of its release date has come yet. Diehard fans of this Netflix anime are anxiously waiting for its launch. One reason for the delay in making the second season is the lack of enough story material.

Since producers and directors are striving to make an entire plot of its story, we can expect the announcement of its release shortly. We will share it with you if we get any news about Devilman Crybaby season 2 on our blog.

What is the Storyline of Devilman Crybaby?

The plot of this Netflix anime is that the devils can take over the human bodies and use them by maintaining a physical appearance. A person having the energy to counter the devil’s efforts ends up as a devilman. The weak and low-energy people become the victims of the devil. In the plot, Akira is a timid young boy who does not dare to stop the devil’s attack.

He and his friend Ryuo decided to switch bodies so that Akira could fight the devil and stop its attack. When Akira arrived on Sabbath, he saw bloodshed everywhere. He observed that the devils were ruining the parties and creating chaos. To counter the devil’s attacks, he changed himself into a devilman. This feature of the devilman did not suit his personality. Therefore he was called a devilman with a crybaby’s soul.

What happens at the end of Devilman Crybaby?

At the end of Devilman Crybaby, everyone dies. The ending is very sad and can give you tears. It is very hard to see two childhood friends fight each other. The efforts and sacrifices of Akira and Ryou to save humanity are worth watching and can easily melt the heart of the viewers.

What are the Alternatives for Devilman Crybaby fans?

We will suggest the following two series, which you can watch as alternatives to Devilman Crybaby.

  1. Devil Lady.
  2. Violence Jack.

Devilman Lady:

Devilman Lady is a masterpiece sequel to the Netflix successful anime show Devilman Crybaby. First, it was serialized in the magazines as manga, and after that, it was taken by the TMS to make an anime series having 36 episodes. The series story circulates the supermodel Jun Fudo who has a deep secret, but she is unaware of this reality.

The story states that the bloodlines of superhumans and common people are the same. The superhumans are seen creating chaos in the societies to spread terror. In the series, Jun Fudo is recruited by a secret agency to fight those who spread terror. The complete story of this masterpiece is so interesting that we recommend you watch it.

Violence Jack:

Another sequel that we will recommend you to watch is the Violence Jack. Its story shows that the world got divided into two categories after a major earthquake. The two categories were strong people and weak people. Strong people can be seen raping and killing innocent people.

So, a strong character name Jack arises from a demolished stone. The weak people requested him to save them from the exploitation of strong people. He accepted the request of weak people and ruthlessly fought the strong people. The complete story is very heart-touching, and we recommend you watch it in a single go.

Devilman Crybaby Season 2 Trailer:

The trailer of Devilman Crybaby season 2 has not been released yet, but we will immediately update you once its trailer is released.